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Online Support Group

On the last Thursday of every month, we hold an online support group meeting for people affected by cauda equina syndrome. This group is a closed online group for people living with cauda equina syndrome.

Join our Facebook Group

We offer a safe place to share your worries and an opportunity to offer your advice to others. The biggest online meeting we held was for our first CES Awareness Day, we had 85 attendees and a surprise guest appearance from our charity ambassador Duncan James. If there is anything you would like to be discussed at future meetings, please let us know and we will try our best to help.

Free tickets to join are available on Eventbrite together with more details –
Cauda Equina Champions Charity 1187294 Events | Eventbrite

We are often joined by some of our international members from across the world, with meetings being a mix of informal chats and regular guest speakers. We talk about things like exercise after surgery, intimate relationships after CES and how our charity can support you.

Subscribe to our newsletter for updates on meetings and use the link above to register.
