On the road, spreading the word……

On the road, spreading the word……

CESA Stand Durham We had a great trip to Durham on Friday to stand at a Nurses study day event organised by The Golden Jubilee Regional Spinal Cord Injuries Centre ‘Back to Basics’.

It was a great networking opportunity for us and we would like to thank Nicola Napier from Hollister for inviting us along.

We had interesting conversations with Mr Mecci – Consultant in Spinal Cord Injuries and with Mr Simon Fulford – Urology Consultant about the work they are doing in this spinal unit having created a forward thinking, holistic CES care pathway for patients.

It is reassuring to speak to leading professionals who talk honestly and openly about the lack of awareness, resources and support for CES patients and who dedicate time from their career to drive change in this area, as CES patients we are eternally grateful.
We will be hosting our first Durham Cauda Equina Support Service meeting on May 17th at Durham Town Hall form 13:00 to 16:00 and welcome anyone who would like to come along.

Also thank you to our volunteer Jill, who gave up her spare time to help despite suffering with CES herself. Jill recently spoke at MASCIP about the issues she faced after having undiagnosed bowel issues resulting from a cauda equina syndrome.