Champions Charity Home Delivery Service from Rapidcare

Champions Charity Home Delivery Service from Rapidcare

The Cauda Equina Syndrome Association are proud to announce their new FREE home delivery service in partnership with Rapidcare “Champions Connect”

Phone 0800 170 7574 or email [email protected] to place your prescription order today!

We have researched for many months  to find a continence supplies home delivery service that we could partner with to offer our members an independent service , free from ties to manufacturers, allowing them to place their prescription requests with confidence.

“With over 30 years experience delivering to patients”

Rapidcare are a family run continence supplies company and stood out to us as they are one of the most successful independent DAC’s in the country. It was important to us to offer a service that was both transparent and managed with integrity. The customer is at the heart of everything art Rapidcare.

We are extremely grateful for the support Rapidcare give to our charity “Cauda Equina Champions Charity” that allows us to provide much needed advice and services to cauda equina patients.

Please see the leaflet below for details on the new service and support our charity by signing up to their fantastic service today! Thank you.