Did You Know?

Did You Know?

Here’s a list of things to make your life easier …


Cauda Equina Syndrome Association –  Helpline 03335777113 – FREE

Cauda Equina Syndrome Association  Support Groups – FREE


Blue Badge – A blue badge assists you when parking. You can use disabled parking bays if you fit the criteria for application  – FREE


Priority Services Register – Contact your water and energy supplier to say you have a disability. They have a Priority list if there is ever a shortage of water or power cut – FREE


WaterSure –  The WaterSure scheme is available for certain customers with a water meter. It allows them to have their bills capped. This ensures that these customers don’t have cut back on how much water they use because they are worried about the cost. To be eligible you need to be in receipt of one of the following benefits –  Income-based ESA, Housing Benefit, Income-based Jobseekers Allowance, Child Tax Credits, Universal Credit, Pension Credit. You must also have (or someone living in the property must have) a medical condition which requires significant additional use of water. Examples of medical conditions include weeping skin diseases (such as psoriasis), Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, etc. Additionally if you are responsible for three or more children under the age of 19 and in full-time education living in the property you are also eligible


Social Worker Assessment – Social workers can provide help in all sorts of areas, particularly with housing and care plans  – FREE


Housing review from an occupational therapist  – Perhaps something as simple as a rail in the bathroom could help you in your daily life. You can ask your physio or social worker for an OT assessment – FREE


Access to Work –  A Job Centre Plus run scheme that helps you in getting back to work. You may be eligible for a paid support worker, or assistance with travel costs. Maybe you need adjustments to your work environment to make it accessible to you – FREE


Carer’s Resource – or similar charity in your area. Your carer may be eligible for a Carer’s Grant – FREE


Carer Holiday Grant Scheme – You may have a scheme in your area. It enables a carer to have a break while their loved one receives respite care – FREE


National Trust Access for Everyone Card – Gets a carer in free to all National Trust venues – FREE


CEA card – Gets a free carer into certain cinemas with you – £6

Many events and attractions offer free carer tickets. You may need to provide evidence of your disability for this  – FREE


Disabled Train Pass – Get up to a 1/3 off rail travel – £20 for one year, £54 for three years

If you do not have a Railcard and you are blind or partially sighted and travelling with a companion, or if you use a wheelchair, you can get a discount on Anytime tickets


Radar Key for use of accessible toilets. – FREE from Fittleworths/ Incontinence team etc or buy £4.75 online


Just Can’t Wait card – from the Bladder & Bowel Community. A small card that explains you have a medical condition and you need to use the toilet fast. It also helps if you need to use an accessible toilet, showing it to an employee will encourage them to give you the radar key quickly if you do not already have one – FREE


Motability Scheme – If you receive the higher rate of Disability Living Allowance or enhanced rate of PIP you are eligible to use the mobility portion of your money for a vehicle from the Motability Scheme. Motability also offer grants for things like learning to drive or adaptations to those who have been means tested and have a qualifying low income – FREE


Freedom Pass –  Allows those living in London free journeys across London and buses nationally. There is also Taxicard Scheme for those who find it too hard to travel without assistance and for those with ‘serious mobility problems’ – FREE


Disabled Person’s Bus Pass – some areas issue a disabled person’s bus scheme. In our area it’s a concessionary fares scheme and it offers free off peak bus travel throughout England. Go to www.gov.uk/apply-for-disabled-bus-pass and type in your postcode to find out more – FREE


Access Card – A card that translates your disability/impairment into symbols which highlight the barriers you face. It is informative, evidence of a disability, offers discounts at certain locations and offers opportunities for disabled people – £15 for three years


National Disabled Identification Card – evidence of disability so there’s no need to take paperwork to attractions for a free carer ticket and discounts in some places – £11 One year or £14 two years (These Disability Identification Cards can be very useful for people with Invisible Conditions)


William Merritt Centre or similar Disabled Living Facility in your area, offers free advice & assessments for vehicle adaptations, wheelchair assessments and general living adaptations. – FREE


Citizens Advice – They provide help on a myriad of matters and are particularly helpful with benefit entitlement – FREE


GP Gym Referral –  free access to a gym for a certain period of time. Talk to your GP and physio to see if this is suitable for you – FREE


Library Card – Why not borrow books on pain management or other self help categories or even fiction to help as a distraction from the pain? Libraries also have computers to use if you do not have one – FREE


Incontinence Team – A team that helps you with your incontinence issues. They can also provide you with incontinence supplies like pads for free Ask your GP to be referred – FREE


Pain Management Course – If you need help with pain management and want to learn more about the science behind pain, we recommend that you try a pain management course. They can be very helpful in some cases. Ask your GP if you are eligible to be referred – FREE


Back Up – A charity that offers help for those permanently in a wheelchair or who are occasional wheelchair users. They have a mentoring programme, skills workshops and wheelchair independence focused holidays.

People should feel free to apply even if they can’t make a donation.


Further education courses – How about taking a course at your local college? If you are in receipt of ESA you will get to go on the course for FREE